2013年12月13日 星期五


From Katsuro Ikeda
The principal of Hiroshima Prefectural Shobara Jitsugyo High School
November 25, 2013
Dear Mrs. Chen Sakula ,
Thank you very much for your kind welcome during our visit on July 1st.
We also appreciate the souvenirs, like your school pennant and glass ornament.
We learned a lot about your facilities and the achievement of your students, and we realized how great your school is.
 Now, I’d like to talk about our students visiting your school on a school trip 2 years from now. We are planning for the second graders (about 160 students) to visit your school on one day in the first or the second week of December, 2015.  They will be the students to enter our school in April, 2014, so we’d like to decide more details by January 2014.  It may be too early for you to decide, but please let us now which date is more convenient for you , the first week or the second.
  Also, could you tell us the name of the new principal?
  We are looking forward to your reply.

